
Due to our network of manufacturers, shipping times vary by product and destination country. On this page we give all details available about shipping time estimates. Tracking information specific to orders is sent to the email used at checkout as soon as it becomes available. Tiny Cow Designs is not responsible for any items that may be lost in transit.

At this time, priority shipping is not available. We are working to find a solution to this, and thank you for your understanding in the time being.

Please note that these shipping times are the most accurate estimates we can provide. Though we want your packages to arrive in a timely manner, they are not necessarily lost if it has been longer than the estimated delivery time. If you have any questions about shipping that were not answered here, please feel free to ask us a specific question through our contact page

A few notes about International shipping:

Longer ship times:

While we at Tiny Cow Designs are happy to say we do ship internationally, items will not arrive as quickly as they would to a U.S. address. We give International ship times for specific products below. If the times below are too long to wait, it might be best to not order that specific item or at all. You can sign up for our email list for updates on International shipping as they come. Thank you!

International shipping surcharge:

Due to the increased cost of shipping Internationally, a $6 USD additional charge will be added to your shipping cost. We thank you for your understanding. 

Exchange rates:

There may or may not be an additional charge with the exchange rate of currencies. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Duties and Customs:

Unfortunately, we are unable to say if there will be additional customs and duties on your items after they arrive in your country. The customer is responsible for any customs or duties charges.

Relaxed Fit Tees

These products ship from our partner Monster Digital. On average, products from Monster Digital are ready to ship in 2-4 business days. Typical shipping times are listed in the table below. Tracking information is sent as soon as it becomes available. 


Typical shipping times

United States (continental)

2-7 business days

Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and unincorporated territories of the United States

Can take an additional 7-15 business days, 9-22 business days in total


10-18 business days


10-22 business days

Fitted Tees, Mugs

These products ship from our partner MyLocker. On average, products from MyLocker are ready to ship in 2-4 business days. Typical shipping times are listed in the table below. Tracking information is sent as soon as it becomes available. 


Typical shipping times

United States (continental)

2-9 business days

Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and unincorporated territories of the United States

Can take an additional 7-15 business days, 11-21 business days in total


10-18 business days


10-32 business days

Tote bags, 100% Recycled Fabric Relaxed Tees

These products ship from our partner Printful. On average, products from Printful are ready to ship in 2-7 business days. Typical shipping times are listed in the table below. Tracking information is sent as soon as it becomes available. 


Typical shipping times

United States (continental)

3-7 business days

Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and unincorporated territories of the United States

5-22 business days


4-9 business days


4-20 business days


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