About Us


Welcome to my store. Thank you so much for visiting. You might notice that I use the royal we in product descriptions and promotional materials, but Tiny Cow Designs (at this time) has exactly one employee, me. Hi, I’m Anna. I am the graphic designer, social media manager, website builder, advertisement management, CEO, and accountant for this company. So far, I am very happy with my employer, but between you and me, the benefits could be better. 

If you’ve been a friend to me, you might know that I loved to make handmade greeting cards. You might have bought a pack or two when I (very briefly) sold them.  If you went to school with me, you might remember the paper birthday crowns I would make for my friends, or you might remember me for my constant doodles in class. If you know me personally, you might have laughed at one of my jokes (at least, I hope so!). I'm currently based in Portland, OR, and have fallen in love with the city. 

I have been creative for my entire life, and I am so thrilled that Tiny Cow Designs is here. On this website, you’ll find shirts, tote bags, and mugs with my own designs. Eventually, I hope to expand into cards, art prints, and other items. My designs are one of a kind, funny, and pretty. And with a place to officially put my creations, I can’t wait to see what I do next. Thank you for coming along for the ride, and if you want to stay in touch, please join my email list and become part of the Tiny Cow Club. You can also follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Facebook (@tinycowdesigns on all). Happy shopping!